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Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 119346893 ubffm
is Represents of 1007220 ep
Identifier 087686694 ubffm
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person ubffm
Owl Same As ubffm
is Owl Same As of 1007220 ep
Core Alt Label 8
  • Ben-Yerôḥām, Salmôn
  • Salman
  • Salmon
  • Salmon Ben Yeruham
  • Salmon Ben-Jeroham
  • Salomon Ben-Jěrocham
  • Sulaym Ibn-Ruḥaym
  • Sālāmôn ben Yĕrûham
Core Pref Label
  • Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām
  • Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām
Dataset Picture