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Pîq-Berlîn, Yešaʿyāhû

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 123811961 gnd-persons
Birth Date 1725 gnd-persons
Birth Location Eisenstadt gnd-persons
Birth Year 1725 date-enriched
Death Date 1799 gnd-persons
Death Location Breslau gnd-persons
is Represents of 1005099 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As 9 gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1005099 ep
Core Alt Label 27
  • Berlin, Isaiah Ben-Judah…
  • Berlin, Isaiah ben Judah…
  • Berlin, Jesaia
  • Berlin, Jesaias
  • Berlin, Ješa
  • Berlin, Ješaʿjāhu
  • Berlin, Ješaʿjāhu Ben-Je…
  • Berlin, Yeshayahu Piḳ-
  • Berlin, Yeshayahu ben Ye…
  • Berlin, Yeshaʿyah
  • Berlin, Yeshaʿyah ben Ye…
  • Berlin, Yešaʿyāhu
  • Berlin, Yešaʿyāhu Ben-Ye…
  • Berlîn, Ješaʿjāhû Pîq-
  • Berlîn, Yešaʿyāhû Pîq-
  • Pick, Isaiah
  • Piḳ, Yeshayahu
  • Piḳ-Berlin, Yeshayahu
  • Piq, Ješaʿjāhu
  • Piq, Yešaʿyāhu
  • Piq-Berlin, Ješaʿjāhu
  • Piq-Berlin, Yešaʿyāhu
  • בערלין, ישעיה
  • ברלין, ישעיה
  • ברלין, ישעיה בן יהודה לי…
  • פיק, ישעיה
  • פיק-ברלין, ישעיה
Core Pref Label Pîq-Berlîn, Yešaʿyāhû gnd-persons
Dataset Picture