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Abûlʿāfiyā, Mēʿîr

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 122413172 gnd-persons
Birth Date 1180 gnd-persons
Birth Year 1180 date-enriched
Death Date 1244 gnd-persons
is Represents of 1002823 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1002823 ep
Core Alt Label 8
  • Abulafia, Meir
  • Abulafia, Meir ben Todros
  • Abulafia, Meir ben Todro…
  • Abulafia, Meir ha-Levi
  • Abulʿafiya, Meʾir
  • Abulʿafiya, Meʾir, ha-Le…
  • Abûlʿāfiyā, Meir ben Tod…
  • אבואלעפיא, מאיר, הלוי
Core Pref Label Abûlʿāfiyā, Mēʿîr gnd-persons
Dataset Picture