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Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 119346893 gnd-persons
is Represents of 1007220 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As 8 gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1007220 ep
Core Alt Label 8
  • Ben-Yerôḥām, Salmôn
  • Salman, ben Jěrocham
  • Salmon Ben Yeruham
  • Salmon Ben-Jeroham
  • Salmon, ben Yeruhim
  • Salomon Ben-Jěrocham
  • Sālāmôn ben Yĕrûham
  • Sulaym Ibn-Ruḥaym
Core Pref Label Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām gnd-persons
Dataset Picture