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Ḳaro, Yosef

Description: Spanish rabbi and author on Jewish law (1488–1575)

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 118990179 gnd-persons
Birth Date 1488 gnd-persons
Birth Year 1488 date-enriched
Death Date 1575 gnd-persons
is Represents of 1003009 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As 13 gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1003009 ep
Core Alt Label 40
  • Ba'al ha Shulhan 'Arukh
  • Baʿal ha Shulhan ʿArukh
  • Beith Yosef
  • Bet Yosef
  • Caro, Josef
  • Caro, Josef ben Ephraim
  • Caro, Joseph
  • Caro, Joseph ben Ephraim
  • Harika
  • Josef Ben-Efraim
  • Josef Qaro
  • Joseph Ben Ephraim Karo
  • Joseph ben Ephraim, Caro
  • Jōsēf Qārō ben Efrajim
  • Karo, Iosif
  • Karo, Josef
  • Karo, Joseph
  • Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim
  • Karo, Yosef ben Efrayim
  • Karo, Yôsēf
  • Ḳaro, Yosef ben Efrayim
  • Maharika
  • Qaro, Josef
  • Qaro, Joseph ben Ephraim
  • Qaro, Yosef
  • Qarʾo, Josef
  • Qârô, Yôsef
  • Qârô, Yôsēf
  • Qârô, Yôsēf Ben-Efrayim
  • Qârô, Yôsēf ben Efrayim
  • Qārō, Jōsēf
  • Rabana Maharika
  • Rika
  • Yosef Qaro
  • Yosef ben Efrayim, Karo
  • Yôsēf Qârô
  • קארו, יוסף
  • קארו, יוסף בן אפרים
  • קארו, יןסף בן אפרים
  • קרו, יוסף בן אפרים
Core Pref Label Ḳaro, Yosef gnd-persons
Dataset Picture

License: Public domain
Creator: Unknown authorUnknown author