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Duran, Shelomoh ben Shimʿon

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 1054058091 gnd-persons
Birth Date 1400 gnd-persons
Birth Year 1400 date-enriched
Death Date 1467 gnd-persons
is Represents of 1007223 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As 9 gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1007223 ep
Core Alt Label 14
  • Duran, Shelomoh
  • Duran, Shelomoh ben Shim…
  • Duran, Solomon ben Simeo…
  • Duran, Šĕlōmō
  • Durʾan, Shelomoh ben Shi…
  • Dûran, Šĕlōmō Ben Šimʿôn
  • Dûran, Šĕlōmō Ben Šimʿôn…
  • Rashbash
  • Solomon ben Simeon Duran
  • דוראן, שלמה בן שמעון
  • דורן, שלמה
  • דורן, שלמה בן שמעון בר צ…
  • רשב"ש
  • שלמה בן שמעון דורן
Core Pref Label Duran, Shelomoh ben Shimʿon gnd-persons
Dataset Picture