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Trani, Isaiah di

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier dbpedia-persons
Occupation Rabbi dbpedia-persons
is Represents of 1002688 ep
Subject dbpedia-persons
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person dbpedia-persons
Owl Same As 11 dbpedia-persons
is Owl Same As of 1002688 ep
Core Alt Label 26
  • Harid
  • Isaiah ben Mali, di Trani
  • Isaiah, di Trani, the El…
  • Isaias, Rabbi
  • Isaias, Tranensis
  • Jesaja, Ben Mali
  • Jesaja, di Trani
  • Mali, Isaiah ben di Trani
  • Rid
  • Trani, Isaiah ben Mali di
  • Trani, Isaiah of, the El…
  • Trani, Jesaja di
  • Trani, Yeshayah di ha-Za…
  • Ṭranî, Yešaʿyā B. di
  • Ṭrânî, Yešaʿyā di, der Ä…
  • Yeshayah, Rabi
  • Yeshayah, di-Trani, ha-Z…
  • Yeshayoh, of Terani
  • Yešaʿyā Ben-Mâlî, di Ṭra…
  • Yešaʿyā, der Ältere
  • Yešaʿyā, di Ṭranî
  • Yešaʿyā, di Ṭrânî, der Ä…
  • טרני, ישעיה די הזקן
  • ישעיה די טרני הזקן
  • Jesaja ben Mali
  • Isaiah di Trani
Core Pref Label Trani, Isaiah di dbpedia-persons
Dataset Picture