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Lichtstein, Abraham Jekuthiel Salman ben Moses Joseph

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier dbpedia-persons
Occupation Rabbi dbpedia-persons
is Represents of 1002941 ep
Subject dbpedia-persons
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person dbpedia-persons
Owl Same As 10 dbpedia-persons
is Owl Same As of 1002941 ep
Core Alt Label 14
  • Avraham mi-Gloga
  • Avraham, mi-Gloga
  • Lichtstein, Abraham Jeku…
  • Likhtshtain, Avraham Yeḳ…
  • Likhtshtain, Avraham Yeḳ…
  • Liḵtštain, Avraham Yequt…
  • Liḵtštain, Avraham Yequt…
  • Liḵtštein, Abraham Jequt…
  • Liḵtštein, Abraham Jequt…
  • אברהם מגלוגא
  • אברהם, מגלוגא
  • ליכטשטיין, אברהם יקותיאל…
  • ליכטשטיין, אברהם יקותיאל…
  • Abraham Jekuthiel Salman…
Core Pref Label Lichtstein, Abraham Jekuthiel Salman ben Moses Joseph dbpedia-persons
Dataset Picture