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Schloss, Aron

Gnd Gnd Identifier NA bhr
Birth Date None bhr
Death Date None bhr
Described At BHR I.2, 788, id:1593 bhr
Has Abstract Sohn des Hirz S. aus Frankfurt/M., um 1782 Oberrb. in Offenbach, 1786 Rückkehr nach Frankfurt/M. bhr
Has Publication Eine Approbation, datiert Offenbach 1783; Löwenstein, Index, S. 185. bhr
Occpation Rabbi bhr
is Represents of 1013216 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person bhr
Owl Same As Bhr bhr
is Owl Same As of 1013216 ep
Core Pref Label Schloss, Aron bhr
Dataset Picture