Mieses, Abraham Isaac
Property | Value | Label |
Gnd Gnd Identifier | NA | bhr |
Birth Date | None | bhr |
Death Date | None | bhr |
Described At | BHR I.2, 666, id:1265 | bhr |
Has Abstract | Rb. in Milicz (Militsch), Schlesien1868 in die USA, Rb. in New York, Chicago und San Francisco [alles nach zweifelhaften Angaben Winingers]. | bhr |
Has Publication | Predigten und Aufsätze in engl. u. dt. Sprache. | bhr |
Occpation | Rabbi | bhr |
is Represents of | 1012864 | ep |
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type | Person | bhr |
is Owl Same As of | 1012864 | ep |
Owl Same As | Bhr | bhr |
Core Pref Label | Mieses, Abraham Isaac | bhr |