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Horwitz, Salomon-Schalom

Birth Date None bhr
Death Date 1866 bhr
Described At BHR I.1, 464, id:765 bhr
Has Abstract Gest. 17. Juni 1866 in Tuchola (Tuchel), Prov. WestpreußenSchüler Akiba Egers in Posen, um 1820 Unterrb. (moreh s. ädäq) in Buk, Prov. Posen, 1837 Rb. in Tuchola. bhr
Has Publication Adressat eines Responsums von Ak. Eger, II 33. bhr
Occpation Rabbi bhr
is Represents of 1014150 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person bhr
Owl Same As Bhr bhr
is Owl Same As of 1014150 ep
Core Pref Label Horwitz, Salomon-Schalom bhr
Dataset Picture