Feldblum, Salomon
Property | Value | Label |
Gnd Gnd Identifier | 108381446X | bhr |
Birth Date | None | bhr |
Death Date | None | bhr |
Described At | BHR I.1, 301, id:416 | bhr |
Has Abstract | Um 1841 Oberlehrer in Wieleñ (Filehne), Prov. Posen, und Vertreter des Vereins „Bah. ure H. ämäd“. Um 1857/58 Rb. in Œmigiel (Schmiegel) für 354 Juden. | bhr |
Has Publication | „Über das S[efär] Taw leZikkaron des Isak Frenkel“, MGWJ 14 (1865), S. 278-280. | bhr |
Occpation | Rabbi | bhr |
is Represents of | 1011920 | ep |
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type | Person | bhr |
Owl Same As |
bhr |
is Owl Same As of | 1011920 | ep |
Core Pref Label | Feldblum, Salomon | bhr |