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Schneegaß, Elias

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 122547489 gnd-persons
Birth Location Gotha gnd-persons
Death Date 1697 gnd-persons
Death Location Hamburg gnd-persons
is Represents of 1031455 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1031455 ep
Owl Same As gnd-persons
Core Alt Label 13
  • , a Mara
  • Anthonius
  • Anton
  • Mara, Ant. a
  • Mara, Anthonius a
  • Mara, Anton a
  • Mara, Antonius à
  • Schneegas, Elias
  • Schneegass, Elias
  • Schnegas, Elias
  • Schnegasius, Elias
  • Schnegassius, Elias
  • Snegassius, Elias
Core Pref Label Schneegaß, Elias gnd-persons
Dataset Picture