Elisabeth, Österreich, Kaiserin
Description: Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary from 1854 to 1898
see FID DatasetsProperty | Value | Label |
Gnd Gnd Identifier | 118529897 | gnd-persons |
Birth Date | 1837 | gnd-persons |
Birth Location | Possenhofen | gnd-persons |
Birth Year | 1837 | date-enriched |
Death Date | 1898 | gnd-persons |
Death Location | Genf | gnd-persons |
is Represents of | 1024960 | ep |
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type | Person | gnd-persons |
Owl Same As 21 |
gnd-persons |
is Owl Same As of | 1024960 | ep |
Core Alt Label 30 |
gnd-persons |
Core Pref Label | Elisabeth, Österreich, Kaiserin | gnd-persons |
License: Public domain
Creator: Emil Rabending