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Moller, Daniel Wilhelm

Description: librarian and historian (1642-1712)

see FID Datasets

Gnd Gnd Identifier 115654178 gnd-persons
Birth Date 1642 gnd-persons
Birth Location Preßburg gnd-persons
Birth Year 1642 date-enriched
Death Date 1712 gnd-persons
Death Location Altdorf b. Nürnberg gnd-persons
is Represents of 1022650 ep
22 Rdf Syntax Ns Type Person gnd-persons
Owl Same As 13 gnd-persons
is Owl Same As of 1022650 ep
Core Alt Label 20
  • Moller, D. G.
  • Moller, Daniel Guilelmus
  • Moller, Daniel Guilielmus
  • Moller, Daniel W.
  • Mollerus, D. G.
  • Mollerus, Dan. Guil.
  • Mollerus, Daniel G.
  • Mollerus, Daniel Guilelm…
  • Mollerus, Daniel Guilhel…
  • Mollerus, Daniel Guiliel…
  • Morellus, Liberus
  • Möller, Daniel Guilielmus
  • Möller, Daniel Wilhelm
  • Möllerus, Daniel Guiliel…
  • Müller, Raimund Rimand
  • Ollemirus, Dec.
  • Ollemirus, Des.
  • Reinmundus Rimandus
  • Rimandus, Reinmundus
  • Wegholds, Christ.
Core Pref Label Moller, Daniel Wilhelm gnd-persons
Dataset Picture

License: Public domain
Creator: Wolfgang Philipp Kilian